One idea that I cannot stress enough that I mentioned last post was that the drastic budget cuts some of these indebted European nations are making could signal impending economic disaster for Europe, making default for this high debt countries even more probable. On the surface, obviously cutting government spending looks to be a good thing because governments will not be racking up more debt. But it severely hampers a governments ability to pay back what they currently own with lost revenue. Let's face it, government spending stimulates the economy to some extent, so depending on what the governments are cutting back on could be a big mistake.
If a government is forcing the worker to work 5 extra years... That is good because it is not a value added benefit. It also helps alleviates pension problem by forcing the worker to pays 5 more years and the obligation is 5 years less at the end of the life which is significant with compounding. With the average age of people getting older every generation it is not unreasonable to raise that age to 70+. This is a very easy solution in my books.
If the government stops building roads and highways, cuts back on education and health care and other economic stimulating strategies, this will have an immediate adverse effect on local economies with the end result being drastically reduced government revenues.
Problem with European consumer nations is that they have a lot of fat and most governments will find it easier to cancel government contracts and grants than raise the age of retirements and cut back vacations and reduce pensions.
The proof is in the pudding with Argentina when the drastically cut back which reduced their revenues to the point where they defaulted. Leverage is important if it is used to stimulate growth, science, the arts the economy and not pay someone to sit in their vacation home in the Mediterranean at 55 till they die.
Are the PIGS about to make the same mistake Argentina did? But on a much grander scale?
Anyway it is shaping up, this fall is going to be some exciting times. Personally, I am starting more and more to move to the double dip camp... Just on entertainment value alone, another severe crash with wild rebound is much more fun than chop chop for the next 2 years. Don't you agree?
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